Club Responsibilites

Club Definition:  Refers to any organization or program that has four(4) or more teams participating in the V&DABA Night League.

  • Each club is required to appoint a club manager (aka. president or director, etc…) who is responsible for the organization, communication and conduct of each of its teams.
  • Each club will appoint, the following positions:
  • Manager
  • Alternates (2) - to assist in fulfilling Board expectations
  • Registration Administrator
  • Each club will be responsible for having 1 representative in attendance at Board meetings. The Board shall meet at least five (5) times a year at the discretion of the Executive Administrator.
  • Discussion at these meetings is critical to support the growth and development of the league, as well as to improve communication and ensure fair representation in decision making processes.
  • At the time of team registration, each club will be responsible for designating their club manager and for providing two (2) alternates. Only these designated individuals can attend Board meetings.